Dental X-Ray Certification (Radiation Safety) Course
This X-Ray Certification Course (also called Radiation Safety Course) is approved by the Dental Board of California. Once you have completed this course, you will receive your California Dental X-Ray Certificate/License!
The lecture (didactic) portion of the class is online. Once you have taken and passed the online written exam, you are ready for the lab and clinical portions of the class. NO NEED TO TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT ALL OF YOUR PATIENTS TO US – WE GO TO YOU!! If your office is within an hour drive from Sacramento we will travel to you at no additional cost! If your office is more than an hour from us, travel fees may be incurred.
This course includes:
- In Depth Video Podcasts
- Podcast worksheets to create study guides
- Online Quizzes/Practice Tests
- In-Office personalized teaching of the lab and clinical requirements for x-ray certification
Please call or e-mail to discuss patient requirements and scheduling. 916-206-6752 or