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Unit 1 : Introduction to Dental Radiology

Topic A:  Course Overview

Unit 1 : Introduction to Dental Radiology

Topic B:  Uses & Types of Dental X-Rays

Unit 2:  Fundamentals of Radiation

Topic A:  Physics & Characteristics of Radiation

Unit 2:  Fundamentals of Radiation

Topic B:  Biological Effects & Radiation Safety

Unit 3:  Dental Exposure Techniques

Topic A:  Bitewing Technique

Unit 3:  Dental Exposure Techniques

Topic B:  Paralleling Technique

Unit 3:  Dental Exposure Techniques

Topic C:  Bisecting Angle Technique

Unit 3:  Dental Exposure Techniques

Topic D:  Panoramic Techniques

Unit 4:  Dental Film

Topic A:  Film Packet & Composition

Unit 4:  Dental Film

Topic B:  Film Processing

Unit 4:  Dental Film

Topic C:  Film Mounting

Unit 4:  Dental Film

Topic D:  Quality Assurance

Unit 5:  Dental Image Interpretation

Topic A:  Landmark Identification

Unit 5:  Dental Image Interpretation

Topic B:  Identification of Decay

Unit 5:  Dental Image Interpretation

Topic C:  Identification of Periodontal Disease

Unit 5:  Dental Image Interpretation

Topic D:  Patient Education & Dental Materials